dijous, 2 de juny del 2011


What airlines fly to London from Girona? and from Barcelona? What time are their departure flights?
Airlines: Ryanair, Thomson Flights, Iberia.
Airlines from Barcelona: Air Berlin, Easyjet, Germanwings. 

Day 1: Azmurzare i anire a la  Torre de Londres que a sicut el palacio de reis, presó, arsenal, lloc de ejecucions, casa de la moneda y museeu de joyería.
Despres de dinar anire a WEstminster Church, tot sequit a Vista de la Plaza Paternoster desde la Catedral de San Pablo, Piccadally Circus London U.K.

Day 2:Asmurzar i anire a Changing of the guard, Parliament, Kensington Gardens
Despres de dinar anire a All the sites within a small walkable distance.Tower Bridge view from balcony.

Day 3:Asmurzar i anire a Panorama luglio, Tower Bridge at night
Despres de dinar anire a Luglio, London Eye and County Hall, Londo, Royal Albert Hall .

divendres, 6 de maig del 2011


1. He went to the information desk.
2. He went up to the first, to the duty-free. Shop area.
3. He went in the shop and ask for a person who can help him.
4. He went to the passaport control and hefound soldiers.
5. He went back to the duty-free shop area and tried to find the janitor.
6. He found the janitor. He gave him information.
7. They went back to the passport control and found the soldiers dead.
8. They took a walke-talkie and entered to the ventilation tube.
Part 2:
1. In the fan, checks that the walkiw-talkie work. Tour to right and after to lefthand.
2. Reach a room where hia things for nursis and doctors.
3. Follows forward and finds a room where there is a nurse and a doctor speak of vampires.
4. Goes back to walks for the tube of ventilation until find a room, there are three people in the room and go in them it his sister. 
5. After to know that his sister  adins needs goes in and for fero needs the keys.

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2011


You must turn right - has de gira a la dreta .
You down the street - has de baixa el carrer.
You take second street on the left - has d'agafar el segon carrer a l'esquerra.
You must the first street on the righ - has de pujar el carrer.
Excuse me ,how can I get to Furniture? Please!

-Excuse me , how can I get to Police Station ? Please!
- Well , go straight  on Pine Street and turn right on Mine Street , then ,go straight on Memorial Drive. The Police Station is on your left .
-Thank you very much!

dijous, 10 de febrer del 2011


Ate yesterday morning, three eggs, bread and tea. Drank too orange juice.                    
Sunday at noon as spaghetti al pomodoro, the ingredients are:.1 1 / 2 cups flour, 3 eggs 4 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons of water, 20 cups water 4 tomatoes, 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 clove garlic, 4 fresh basil leaves, salt, 400 grams of homemade spaghetti, 1 / 2 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Followed by a Mediterranean salad, I had: 1 / 2 romaine lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 / 4 red onion, 100 gr. panela cheese, 50 gr. black olives, 3 tablespoons olive oil, 2 of vinegar, oregano, salt.
I ate dinner: the beautiful iron, 600 grams of a beautiful wheel, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 / 2 Lemon, 1 garlic, 1 sprig of parsley.

dijous, 3 de febrer del 2011


My favourite fruit is a pineapple. I like pineapple. It has got many vitamines. I like it in juice.

My favorite vegetable is tomato. It can be red. The tomato has many vitamines. We can eat tomatos whit salad. I like te tomato. Is very delicious.

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